A Glamping Plot Twist: Meet the Unexpected Market Movers

Written by Whitney Scott, in partnership with the American Glamping Association

Luxury hotel chains often come up when discussing the giants entering the glamping market. The industry's water cooler talk is always around the Marriotts and Hiltons of the world and their subsequent moves. It’s no wonder, considering glamping is a substitute for the hotel guest. Value is not created. It’s taken. Thus, it makes perfect sense that to continue to appeal and capture guest revenue, the hoteliers will continue to dive into the glamping business.

However, amid the spotlight, or maybe searchlight, of the hotel’s eventual descension into this space, some unexpected titans have flown in under the radar of discussion. Their entry is rarely celebrated, discerned, or even considered. Companies like Six Flags, Disney, REI, and Snow Peak are bringing their unique strengths and strategic visions to the glamping and camping space.

My question is, are these industry rebels revolutionizing the game? Or are they simply optimizing a market opportunity? If their business is entirely focused on another service or product, is this a one-off, or are they here to play and play big?

Six Flags: A Play on Purchase Frequency 

Six Flags’ entry into the glamping market with Savannah Sunset Resort and Spa is a masterstroke in strategic diversification. By venturing into glamping, Six Flags sidesteps the hefty investment required for building traditional mega lodges, opting instead for a more flexible and capital-efficient approach. This isn't their first attempt at accommodations; in 2006, Six Flags launched the Great Escape Lodge, a $400-per-night venture that provided a more traditional, family-friendly lodging experience. This glamping initiative represents a savvy pivot toward the luxury segment, offering premium experiences at $900 per night. This move not only broadens Six Flags’ market reach but also taps into the growing demand for unique, nature-focused luxury experiences.

What makes this move brilliant is how Six Flags capitalizes on multiple purchase points. They are thinking through their revenue model from a frequency and weight perspective, with the stay being the most significant. They took learnings from their Great Escape’s venture and adapted to a lower-cost and higher ADR solution.  Even more, Six Flags integrates its entertainment prowess with the growing demand for nature-focused luxury stays. Guests can stay in luxurious suites, enjoy safari-inspired spa treatments, and participate in exclusive activities like off-road safari tours and animal feedings. By providing a unique blend of adventure and relaxation, Six Flags captures the full spending potential of visitors, enhancing their overall experience and driving repeat visits and hefty word-of-mouth weight.

Disney: Tapping into the Glamping Trend

Disney’s addition of glamping tents at Fort Wilderness Resort isn’t about creating something new; it’s about staying relevant in a rapidly evolving market. Fort Wilderness has offered accommodations long before glamping became a trend, with its cabins providing a rustic escape for decades. Introducing these glamping tents is less of an expansion of their accommodation offerings and more of a strategic move to tap into the glamping craze and ensure they remain a top choice for travelers.

This move highlights a broader trend: existing campgrounds, hotels, and brands increasingly incorporate glamping accommodations to maintain bookings and stay relevant. As the glamping market continues to grow with more travelers seeking luxury outdoor experiences, Disney’s strategy underscores how even established players are adapting to meet these new demands. It’s a signal to the entire industry that glamping is not just a passing fad but a significant and growing segment of the travel market.

Retail Titans: Owning the Customer Experience

Retailers like REI and Snow Peak aren’t just dipping their toes into the glamping market for direct revenue; they’re making a calculated move that’s as much about controlling costs and driving product sales as it is about entering a new sector. These companies see glamping and camping accommodations less as standalone profit centers and more as strategic tools for market acquisition and product promotion. By creating branded glamping experiences, they can showcase their gear in the real world, directly influencing purchase decisions while controlling the entire customer journey.

This approach highlights how these retailers use glamping and camping as a sales technique rather than just another revenue stream. It’s a smart way to boost the value of their core products—tents, gear, and outdoor equipment—by embedding them into the very fabric of the experiences they sell. This vertical integration ensures that every dollar a customer spends on a glamping experience potentially leads to additional spending on gear, with the experience itself acting as a live showroom. For REI and Snow Peak, this strategy turns glamping into a powerful brand extension and a potentially cost-efficient marketing channel that drives long-term customer loyalty and repeat business.

So, what’s the real takeaway here? Expect the unexpected. The glamping market isn’t just for the hotel chains looking to diversify—it’s a playground where anyone with a vision for customer experience can come into play. This isn’t about losing market share; it’s about gaining customers in ways we never saw coming. The journey is no longer a straight line from booking to checkout—there are twists, turns, and unexpected players at every corner. The giants you thought would dominate might just be the tip of the iceberg. So keep your eyes open because in the world of glamping, the path to the customer’s heart has a lot more travelers than you might think.

Until next time – keep your head, heels, and standards high, my friends!


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